Sunday, January 4, 2009

All Will Be Fine In '09

I did pretty well in 2008 with my New Year’s resolution.  Actually, I’m damn proud of myself.  I made it my priority to eat healthier and get back into some semblance of good shape.  I lost thirty-five pounds and have been eating a lot better.  That was pretty much the long and short of my entire resolution, for me it was a big deal, and pretty difficult: cutting out a lot of food I enjoyed, and having to bust my ass with workouts every free moment I had. 

This year I am going to add a few more things to my repertoire.  I think I can handle the pressure.

1) Get my diet back into gear.

Since going back to Parental Control, my workouts have suffered a bit.  Up until September, I was working out a good five to six times a week.  That has slipped to only around four, and a very sporadic four, like four days straight, then three days off.  It’s bad.  So first resolution this year is to get back to where I was a few months ago and lose the ten pounds I put back on, and get back to a solid work out routine.

2) Record a song/EP.

Over the last year, I’ve made some great friends who are extremely musically inclined.  I consider myself to be a very creative person, and I love to write, so why not challenge myself to write in a new medium.  I’ve also loved performing; more-so just love being the center of attention.  The critic will hopefully put something out in the world to be critiqued.  Kinda like The Kinky Wizards.

3) Keep in touch with friends more.

This is something I’ve really bad at.  I am not good at keeping in touch.  My great friend Jacob from home had his first kid back in September, and the first time we talked about it was over Xmas.  He was too busy to hang out (b/c of his kid, and his wife Courtney was tired) which is a bummer because I only get to see him once a year.  We both agreed to do a better job at keeping in touch.  I am going to try to keep in touch with a couple more of my friends from home.  Even though I am outta sight, it doesn’t mean I should stay out of mind until I make my way back to the East Coast. 

4)  Ask Zooey Deschanel out on a date.

Don’t worry.  I have a plan.

I think I have a good strategy for the new year.  Some personal growth, healthier living, and a sparking of new creative outlets.  And hopefully a hot date. 

Happy New Year everybody. 

I am just sitting on the shelf…



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