So the Mega-Bitch got her way. I got fired last Monday from Mobile Home Disaster. It was all a bunch of bullshit and lame excuses. Basically certain people don’t think I work hard enough or plan things the right way. All I know is that everything got done, it got done well, got done on time, and it got done right. Something was definitely going on behind the curtain. I mean, when I got canned, no one, not even the Executive Producer knew about it. It just seems shady that the guy who runs the whole show is shocked (and is actually considering promoting me) and somehow I get fired. I couldn’t have been doing that horrible of work if the entire crew thought I was the most reliable worker out there, sans one or two people. Whatever, from what I hear, it’s a complete cluster fuck over there now, so it might actually be a blessing I got my ass out of there when I did. The DP James sent me a message last night at our AC Mark’s birthday party saying you’re not “the man” until you get fired, so now I’m officially “The Man.”
Getting kicked to the curb did leave me time to finally shoot the inaugural episode of the Venice Music Project. My friends Shahram and Rios brought their band Capulet ( over to the Hotel and we rocked it out all afternoon. The band, despite not having practiced, sounded great. For those of you who don’t know, I began VMP in the hopes bands would come perform acoustically in my apartment, followed by the band hanging out in Venice showing off all of the gloriousness which is my home. The bands gets the final cut for their myspace and website, and I put it up on the VMP website and myspace, as well as Youtube, and it’s becomes a promotional piece for the bands. And it’s a lot of fun for me to produce.
The guys from Capulet, rounded out by Eric Silva and Danny, instead of doing one specific activity, gave a overview of all the major spots in Dogtown. I have yet to look at the footage, but the content I shot out on the street is gold, I just hope the sound was okay. Also, I’m a little nervous about the performance footage, but it’s just a simple podcast, so it doesn’t have to be perfect.
Having all this free time has also allotted me plenty of minutes to waste playing the new Mario Kart Wii. Pretty awesome. I’ve been playing all week and I must say, it’s a lot of fun. I’m about halfway through the game, and I just unlocked myself as a character. I can drive around using my Mii character, so I am now part of the game. It’s pretty funny.
Last night DarrOn and I went and saw stand-up comic Brian Regan perform in concert. Dude is hilarious. We both almost fell out of our seats laughing. I have never been to a real deal stand-up concert before. I’ve been to The Imrpov and The Comedy Store, but this was a totally different experience. Check out a little spring-smidge for lunatics right here:
After the show, we skeedaddled over to the Hotel Angelino in Brentwood for Mark Gamsey’s birthday. The Lounge there is a little high class for me, but we all had a good time having some drinks and sharing in the merriment of Mark’s night. I didn’t want to spend to much money, so DarrOn was nice enough to grab the first three rounds, which probably cost a lot b/c I had three straight Crown Royal’s on the rocks, and I think his first three rounds consisted of five Captain and cokes.
To wrap this up, I want to leave you with this one piece of advice: GO SEE IRONMAN! Without giving too much away, at 12:01 on Thursday night, I witnessed the greatest superhero movie of all time. Ironman hit every note right on the head. It was funny, exciting, the acting was spot on. Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark. Hands down. The casting could not have been more perfect. Gwenneth Paltrow, Jeff Bridges, and Terrence Howard were also brilliant. Jon Favreau also did an amazing job directing. This movie should easily win awards somewhere. I mean, Johnny raved about it, and he rarely raves about anything.
Oh yeh, also, if you go see Ironman make sure you stay and watch through the end credits. Trust me.
1 comment:
got fired eh? I hear theres plenty of production assistant work in por. And if you're cute, the ladies suck you off because they know you don't get paid squat. Just saying..
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