After looking back at what I hoped to accomplish in 2010, I feel I did a pretty good job.
1) Run a marathon.
I have spoke at length about this in two prior posts, which you can check out here and here. I still can’t believe I ran one, and as I write this (and hopefully you read this) I am nine weeks out from marathon number two. I ran a few other races in there, a half-marathon, a few 10k’s, and a 5K or two. I am happy to say I am in the best shape I’ve been in since college.
2) Break my routine and try new things.
Check number two. Thanks in part to someone very important, I was taken out of my comfort zone several times. The biggest way I did this was by moving out of The Hotel. I got my own one-bedroom apartment, still in Venice. I was really scared to move out; I have never lived anywhere else since I’ve moved to Los Angeles, but I knew it was time. My biggest fear lies with the fact I have never lived alone. I have always had roommates, had someone to bullshit with when I came home from work. I wasn’t sure I could handle the silence. Strangely, after about two days in my new place, it felt like home. I still have moments where I get a bit of cabin fever and reach out to anyone I can find to talk to, but for the most part, I’m enjoying my own space.
3) Stop taking the beach for granted.
Well, this one could go either way. I only made it out in the water a few more times than last year, but I definitely made sure to utilize more than the ocean. I ran along the beach as much as humanly possible. I went and walked the boardwalk and said hello to friends at the skatepark and friends working at the bars and enjoyed what little nice weather we had. And I drank up and took photos of as many beautiful sunsets as I could.
4) Learn a musical instrument.
This is one I added by accident last year. I had an acquaintance teach me the basics about reading tab and I’ve been slowly teaching myself to play bass guitar. I had to take a few weeks off when I got hit by a car while riding my bike. I’m by no means a musician, but I can play a few songs start to finish, and it’s a cool way to kill some time.
This past year I was definitely pushed to the extreme, both mentally and physically. I only hope what I learned this past year about my self, and the world around me, will help me grow in this coming year.
1) Make it back home more.
Sadly, with the price of flights and the airlines doing everything possible to make it awful to travel, this isn’t something I can start doing on a monthly basis. However, it would be nice to make it back more than just at Xmas. I’d like to make it back in the spring, maybe for my sister’s birthday or for the Dad Vail Regatta. It would nice to be in Philadelphia when the weather is nice out. There is also a “Row For The Cure” in October, which a few of my college teammate participate in. I do “Race For The Cure” every fall, and it might be cool to raise money for breast cancer in a different way for a change.
2) Cook more meals.
I got in the habit of eating healthy over the last few years, but sometimes that consisted of cooking simple meals. Last year I started off cooking a few nights a week very healthy meals for Lindsey and myself, and I loved it. Towards the end of the year, I slacked off in the good meal department. I already started cooking good meals, with veggies and proteins, and damn I missed cooking. I love cooking, and I like to think I am damn good at it.
3) Stick with the not drinking.
Part of what I think is keeping me as healthy as I am, is my lack of alcohol intake. I slipped a few times and I paid for it. My addictive personality kicked in and boy howdy, was it bad. I did a few stupid things again, and I don’t want to do that ever. I like who I am without booze, and I know I am a better man without it. Being the designated driver is a pretty good time; another way I can make sure I put my friends first. Also, I really don’t miss having hangovers.
4) Stay positive.
I got down on myself a lot this past year, and those of you closest to me know why. I’m at heart a very positive person, and as much as I tried to keep my personal shit from affecting those around me, somehow I don’t seem to very good at it. I need to take whatever is negative in my head and transform it into a fire up my ass.
5) Super secret resolution.
One last thing I want to do this year is something I need to tackle on my own. It’s not like an inner demon, nothing of that sort. I’ve taken a great deal of myself and put it into something this past year, something I believe greatly in. I need to figure out how to deal with it, whatever that means.
Watch it all change and watch it go away… Watch it all never be the same again… Watch it all, all be nothing like we thought before…